Argentyn 23 Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol supports the needs of the immune system.
- ACTIVELY CHARGED: 98% positively charged silver .
- EASILY ABSORBED: Unprecedented particle size of 0.8 nanometers allows for easy absorption and excretion.
- LESS IS MORE: Ultra-small particle size results in greater surface area, making our low concentration of 23 ppm more effective than brands up to 1,000 ppm.
- PERFECTLY SAFE: Safe for the whole family. †According to the EPA (CASRN 7440-22-4) daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD) applied to 23 ppm, one may ingest 76,650 servings safely over 70 years. 99.999% PURE: No added salts or proteins. Just pure silver in pure water.
Adults: 1 teaspoon, hold under tongue for 30 seconds, then swallow.
- Children 4 years and older: 1/2 teaspoon.
- Immune-Building: 3 times daily.
- Long-Term Immune Support: 5 times daily.
- Short-Term Immune Support: 7 times daily.
Serving Size: 30 sprays (1 teaspoon)
Health care professionals should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the classic Jarisch-Herxheimer Effects. If such effects should persist, or worsen, dosage may be reduced or withdrawn as appropriate, then resumed at a lower dosage schedule to avoid recidivism.
Do not exceed 25 grams elemental Ag (cumulative) over 70 years. The EPA LOAEL has been determined to be 25 grams elemental Ag.
If pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, please consult your healthcare practitioner before use.
Keep out of reach of children.
For best shelf-life, avoid sources of magnetic energy and extremes of light and temperature.